Jak się tworzy manipulacje

Przed chwilą wrzucone przez axelio<br /> <br /> ...Tymczasem chwilę wcześniej:<br /> <br /> i przy okazji dowcipny komentarz zagranicznego gościa zaproszonego przez lewaków który wykonał to zdjęcie: <br /> I'd been told earlier that day that the hooligans enjoy a few powdered stimulants before they band together to kick the shit out of police, but coke is pretty expensive in Warsaw (and not exactly conducive to rioting), so they mainly settle for amphetamines. What I forgot about speed is that it has the effect of completely nullifying fear, allowing this guy to nonchalantly saunter past a line of cops, before chucking a rock at their colleagues and calmly wandering back into the throng. <a href="//www.vice.com/en_uk/read/polish-independence-day" rel="nofollow">//www.vice.com/en_uk/read/polish-independence-day</a>