A residential building located in Luzhu District, Taoyuan City, had recently seen too many cockroaches. Finally, the residents of the building, accompanied by security guards, went door-to-door on the evening of the 2nd to find out where the cockroaches came from, and finally successfully uncovered the source of the infestation. It turned out to be a resident on the third floor. Unexpectedly, when the security asked the resident to open the door,
cheeseandonion - A residential building located in Luzhu District, Taoyuan City, had ...
@bartek1988: No trochę się obkułam. Generalnie by zaliczyć cały przedmiot muszę zdobyć z tego kola 22/30pkt. Zrobiłam wszystkie zadania, ale już teraz wiem, że mam jakieś błędy. Pytanie na ile prowadząca te błędy wyceni. Wyniki w czwartek.