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In a new interview with German newspaper Handelsblatt (via Business Insider), Tesla CEO Elon Musk spoke about his thoughts on the much-rumored Apple Car. Additionally, Musk was asked what he thought about Apple hiring away some of Tesla's "most important engineers."

Important engineers? They have hired people we've fired. We always jokingly call Apple the "Tesla Graveyard." If you don't make it at Tesla, you go work at Apple. I'm not kidding.


#elonmusk #tesla #apple
Pobierz nawon - In a new interview with German newspaper Handelsblatt (via Business Insider),...
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@nawon: Bardzo szanuję postać Muska, jednak trzeba przyznać, że kultura pracy nie stoi na najwyższym poziomie w Telsli i pokrewnych firmach. Mówienie w ten sposób o inżynierach, którzy być może sami się zwolnili i przeszli do konkurencji nie jest trafnym i właściwym stwierdzeniem.

Literally only 67% of Tesla employees would recommend the company to their friends, this vs Google's 91%, Facebook's 90%, Apple and Microsoft's 82%, even Cisco/nVidia rank higher. Hell,