Wpis z mikrobloga

Jeden z pracowników CDP Red odpowiedział na bullshit wysnuty przez TCR:

CDProjekt RED, company of 370 employees, a lot from around the world, many women (brilliant and talented) but also minorities: gay, transsexual (we might have been one of the few companies who had transsexual lead), all treated equally with only respect and support.

But we`re called sexist for showing a boob or panties. Really?

We always aimed to tell stories about people. And there are people with boobs and people with panties. Sometimes both.

*this is my personal opinion and not of my employer*

To jest opinia jednego z pracowników CDP Red, nie firmy, link do wpisu, link do wątku na neogafie.

#gry #drama #sjw #cdprojektred
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