Wpis z mikrobloga

1. wtf?

needed to measure something on the outside sheel on port side...because the ship is on water you cannot measure it from

2. only for distance?

no for complete 3d measurement

3. If instrument is not level, how can readings be accurate ?

its simple...you cannot level instument on floating object such as ship...so you do use different method of calculation than standard programs in TS which use horizontal angle and distance for XY and do calculate additionally from zenith Z coordinate and you need 2 coordinates to determine the position...here you do complete 3D transformation using spherical coordinates (2 angles and distance) to determine the position - so you need at least 3 points. There are acctualy no terms as horizontal and vertical...anyway you can choose your own coordinate system according to object you measure ..but still you have to measure 2 angles and distance to aquire the point coordinates. Of course the program can transform spherical coordinates to cartesian so you see XYZ...I hope its not too chaotic explanation... acctually it is...I forgot to say that the compensator has to be swiched off

źródło: comment_hWAPs65VPktiGgOdsiVI3dAOJvmTAXl9.jpg
  • 6
@dropz: okej, ale co z faktem, że pomiar nie jest wykonywany z jednego miejsca tylko z kilku? ( statek porusza się na fali). Ale cała koncepcja wydaje się być sprytna