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#tesla #autopilot #modelx #teslamotors

3 dni temu wrzucałem film o Model S na najnowszej wersji systemu 8.0,
wykrywa nagłe hamowanie samochodu PRZED autem za którym jedziemy.

A wczoraj ktoś napisał, że właśnie ta nowość uratowała go przed wypadkiem.

TLTR: Tesla zahamowała awaryjnie, samochód przed teslą zjechał na pas zieleni, a Tesla hamowała bo wykryła zatrzymanie samochodu poprzedzającego samochód z przodu :)

It happened last Friday afternoon when I drove to Pocono for the weekend. I was on Autopilot driving eastbound on I-78 (a 2-lane divided highway with grass median) near Allentown, a normal traffic flow at 65-70 mph on a 55mph zone. All of a sudden, my MX braked very hard with some rapid beeping sounds, and the Jeep Grand Cherokee in front of me swing to the grass median. My MX stopped less than 2 car length away from a Toyota in front and the Cherokee definitely would have hit the Toyota if it didn't go to the median. All these went so fast and I didn't have time to process what exactly happened until all came to stops.

It turned out traffic came to a complete stop because of an accident on the opposite direction of I-78, and Cherokee probably didn't notice the slow down traffic until the last minute. However, new V8.0 AP in MX spotted the Toyota infront of the Cherokee using radar and applied the hard brake. I really can't see Toyota at all until Cherokee was out of way. If I was driving, it will definitely be too late to apply the brake and I would have rear-ended the Toyota.

I just updated my MX to V8.0 the Friday before, and it worked flawlessly for me this time. Not sure what can happen if I was still on V7.1. Thanks Elon !!!


f.....s - #tesla #autopilot #modelx #teslamotors 

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