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Citizens’ rights

The deal safeguards the rights for more than 3 million EU citizens in the UK, and over 1 million UK nationals in EU countries to stay and continue their current activities in the place in which they have made their home. Theresa May had sought to limit the scope of the deal to those who arrived in the UK before 29 March 2019, but she lost out. All those arriving to live in the UK at any point up until the end of the transition period, which could last until the end of 2022 should it be extended, will enjoy the rights that EU nationals have today to make Britain their home, to live, work and study.

#uk #emigracja #brexit
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@reddevilet: ja wychodze z założenia że to oni nam będą szli na rękę. Patrząc na braki pielęgniarek czy ludzi w turystyce to oni muszą się starać żeby tych ludzi tu zatrzymać, niezależnie od tego jaki deal będzie.