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I'm introducing a new tag #praktykatlumaczeniaangielskiego where I will be publishing every few to about seven days short materials to translate from English to Polish and from Polish to English.

My goal I have in mind is for us to publish our work in comments so we can compare them between each other and maybe additionally some discussion about our translations.

For now there will be three types of things to translate:
- few minutes short segment of some video for which the transcription and its translation is to be done
- some text snippet from an article, book or something like that
- some random comments found on the web

Below is the first assignment:

From English to Polish:
Translate from the 5 to 10 minute mark

Text snippet:
First paragraph. (it is from "Whether your interest..." to "...20th century each subsequent year.")

Random comments:
All five comments here

From Polish to English:
Whole video

Text snippet:
Be advised before opening this link because you may find there one image of medical nature disturbing
First paragraph.

Random comments:
The post and first five comments.

I suspect that the best place to publish it will be for example pastebin.com so the reply will contain only the link making it short and leaving the place to write some comments about what was causing for example more difficulties than the rest.

I'm writing this post in English as an exercise but English and Polish is allowed to use but I encourage you to use English.

I'm also #!$%@? in doing those translations and I'll post my maybe tomorrow.

#praktykaangielskiego #praktykatlumaczeniaangielskiego #angielski #tlumaczenia
  • 19
@Wina_Segmentacji just kiding. It's kind of a joke on YouTube comment section. I'll #!$%@?, because yesteraday I had to write a comment and it was... hmm.. quite difficoult for my suprise. But first I need to rapair my laptop, I'm too lazy to write it down on paper and the back here lol.
@tunia86 It took me about 2 hours to make transcriptions of both videos and translate the rest of the tasks. What is now left is the translation of the transcriptions. Transcribing as for now was the most time consumming process and english video contained more text even though it was shorter. I wonder how longn will it take to translate what is left.
@Wina_Segmentacji spoko rozumiem, ale niektórzy mają też prace, inne tlumaczenia i terminy które gonią ( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º) na jeden raz wystarczyloby jedno zadanie, mialbys wiecej chętnych. Sorry za polski ale o 4 rano nie chce mi się myśleć :p
@tunia86: Those are just things I've noticed so far. But all in all it kinda takes too long. I'll shorten the video parts for sure in the next one because they are significantly more time consuming than I've #!$%@?. As for now I'll try to make it to take 1 to 2 hours of work to complete whole assignment when preparing the next or future ones.
@Wina_Segmentacji: Mówiłam Ci, że z tego wyjdzie kupa roboty, 5 minut filmu robi się nie raz 4-5 razy dłużej.
A poza tym każde biuro tłumaczeniowe na próbkę wysyła stronę, półtorej maks, więcej tekstu już wygląda podejrzanie.

Jeżeli chodzi o tłumaczenie filmów, to polecam Ci zainstalowanie sobie darmowego subtitle edit, ściągasz filmik i robisz do niego napisy w tym, bo takie klepanie tekstu nie ma sensu - i tak będzie trzeba wszystko