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1) Po zapisaniu się na jakiś kurs jest on na koncie dożywotnio czyli do czasu usunięcia Udemy.com
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Kursy darmowe z kuponami (-100%):

Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program
JavaScript Arrays - A Complete guide to Master Arrays (2019)
C# Basics for Beginners: Learn Coding with C#
The Procreate 4.1 Super Course
Premiere Pro CC for Beginners: Video Editing in Premiere
Adobe Audition CC: The Beginner's Guide to Adobe Audition
The Secrets of Nutrition: Health, Longevity and Diets
PowerPoint for Complete Beginners (PowerPoint 2016)
Shut Up! Experience the Power
It's not that Scary: A Beginner's Guide to Public Speaking
The Ultimate Photorealistic Drawing Course
Guitar Technique Fundamentals
Get Your Dream Job
Photoshop for Photographers - Beginner to Professional


PMI-001 PMP Closing V5 Certification Practical Exam
SAP CTB120088 Certified Associate – SAP Business One Exam
MOS EXCEL EXPERT 77-728 Exam Preparation (Solution Based)
MCQS for Obstetrics & Gynaecology (OB/GYN) Doctors

Kursy darmowe bez kuponów:

The Ultimate No-Content Kindle Publishing Quickstart Course
Richard Stbbard's "Ultimate Web Development Course"
31-Days Re-assess and Motivate Your Life
Python Programming For Beginners
Bounce: The Seven Pillars of the Resilient Child
Learn PHP - For Beginners
Learn XML-AJAX - For Beginners
Master Guitar In 90 Days (Vol. 1): Guided Beginner Lessons
Robot Framework|RIDE & Selenium - Step by Step for Beginners
The Complete Guide to Apache Airflow
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