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W Libii narastają napięcia społeczne o podłożu ekonomicznym, które są tak znaczące z punktu widzenia problemu miliona syryjskich uchodźców i ich gospodarzy, że przebiły się do chińskiej infosfery.

700 Syrian refugees flee from Lebanon's Deir El Ahmar camp

Fakhry told Xinhua that civil defense members came to Deir El Ahmar last Wednesday to extinguish a fire that broke out in one of the town's camps, which caused heavy dust prompting Syrian refugees to complain about it by screaming and throwing stones at the civil defense's vehicle

"The problem that took place in Deir El Ahmar started as a simple problem but its impact was very big because the Lebanese in this area are already suffering from dire financial circumstances and they are aware that Syrians are the ones who are taking their jobs,"

#libia #syria #bliskiwschod

Źródło: xinhuanet.com
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