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Wiecie, że już w przeszłości istniały twory na wzór Konfederacji? Mianowicie we Włoszech. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The National Blocs (Italian: Blocchi Nazionali) was a right-wing coalition of political parties in Italy formed for the 1921 general election.[1]


The National List (Italian: Lista Nazionale) also known as Listone (literally "Big List") was a Fascist and nationalist coalition of political parties in Italy put together for the 1924 general election, and led by Benito Mussolini, Prime Minister of Italy and leader of the National Fascist Party.[1]

#antykapitalizm #bekazprawakow #bekazkuca #bekazkorwina #faszyzm
źródło: comment_RY1anNP4YS8iyocSGuWUoWmQb8CbCLPn.jpg
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