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Komentarz profesora odnośnie #koronawirus #2019ncov i klimatu. Ciepłe i słoneczne lato może zahamować rozprzestrzenie się wirusa.

Recent leaked comments attributed to Professor John Nicholls from the University of Hong Kong’s Department of Pathology suggest he believes weather conditions will be a key factor in the demise of the coronavirus.

Speaking during a conference call organised by Hong Kong-based brokerage firm CLSA, Professor Nicholls referenced the 2002–03 SARS outbreak and said environmental conditions – such as temperature, humidity and sunlight – are a ‘crucial factor’ in a virus’ ability to survive and infect people.

‘Sunlight will cut the virus’ ability to grow in half, so the half-life will be two-and-a-half minutes and in the dark it’s about 13–20 minutes. Sunlight is really good at killing viruses,’ he said.


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