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@Riczard: No

Specifically, during the first four years of the new regime under a multiparty coalition government (1922–1925) the Fascists had a generally laissez-faire economic policy under the Finance Minister Alberto De Stefani, a former stalwart leader in the Center Party.[58] Free competition was encouraged and De Stefani initially also reduced taxes, regulations and trade restrictions on the whole.[59] De Stefani reduced government expenditure and balanced the budget. Some previous
@Probz: @Riczard: Szkoda że nie wkleiłeś dalszej części tekstu.

Nevertheless, "once Mussolini acquired a firmer hold of power [...] laissez-faire was progressively abandoned in favour of government intervention, free trade was replaced by protection[ism] and economic objectives were increasingly couched in exhortations and military terminology".[61] De Stefani was forced to resign in 1925 because his policy of free trade was opposed by many Italian business leaders, who favored protectionism and