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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

Dzień dobry, wracam po przerwie do publikowania. Forma ta sama, tylko zmniejszam (przynajmniej na pewien czas) liczbę słów publikowanych dziennie z 15 na 10.

redolent - wonny, przypominający coś zapachem [literary; smelling strongly of something or having qualities (especially smells) that make you think of something else]
The mountain air was redolent with the scent of pine needles.
intransigent - nieustępliwy, bezkompromisowy [formal disapproving; (of people) unwilling to change their opinions or behavior in a way that would be helpful to others]
Unions claim that the management continues to maintain an intransigent position.
to balk - wzdrygać się przed czymś, zapierać się [to be unwilling to do something or become involved in something because it is difficult, dangerous, etc.]
Many parents may balk at the idea of paying $100 for a pair of shoes.
tassel - #!$%@?, frędzel [a group of short threads or ropes held together at one end, used as a hanging decoration on hats, curtains, furniture, etc.]
A tassel of silk or satin ribbons hangs from the handle.
diminutive - drobniutki [formal; very small]
He's a diminutive figure, less than five feet tall.
voluptuous - zmysłowa, ponętna; lubieżny [(formal) (of a woman) attractive in a sexual way with large breasts and hips; (literary) giving you physical pleasure]
She was very pretty and voluptuous.
sentry - wartownik, strażnik [a soldier who guards a place, usually by standing at its entrance]
People approaching the gate were challenged by the sentry.
pendant - wisiorek [a piece of jewellery worn around the neck, consisting of a long chain with an object hanging from it, or the object itself]
She was wearing a crystal pendant.
wondrous - cudowny, zdumiewający [literary; extremely and surprisingly good; strange, beautiful, and impressive]
Our new improved moisturizer has wondrous effects on tired-looking skin.
gutter - rynna [a long, open pipe that is fixed to the edge of a roof to carry water away]
Every fall we have to clean leaves out of the gutters.
bonus - idiom
a cast-iron stomach
If you can eat all sorts of food and drink what you like, without any indigestion, discomfort or bad effects, it is said that you have a cast-iron stomach.
I don't know how you can eat that spicy food. You must have a cast-iron stomach.

Talia fiszek anki plik



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GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

Dzień dobry, wracam po przerwie do publiko...

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