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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

salutary - zbawienny [formal; having a good effect on someone or something, though often seeming unpleasant]
The accident was a salutary reminder of the dangers of climbing.
banality - banał [formal; the quality of being boring, ordinary, and not original, or something that is like this]
What's on show in this programme is the sheer banality of ordinary lives.
recourse - uciekanie się do, rozwiązanie [formal; using something or someone as a way of getting help, especially in a difficult or dangerous situation]
It is hoped that the dispute will be settled without recourse to litigation.
rancid - zjełczały [(of butter, oil, etc.) tasting or smelling unpleasant because of not being fresh]
There was a rancid smell coming from the kitchen.
mane - grzywa [the long, thick hair that grows along the top of a horse's neck or around the face and neck of a lion]
The painting depicts a beautiful young man with a flowing mane of red hair.
to divulge - wyjawiać [to make something secret known]
Journalists do not divulge their sources.
startling - zaskakujący, niepokojący [surprising and sometimes worrying]
He made some startling admissions about his past.
whiff - zapach, powiew [a slight smell, carried on a current of air]
He leaned towards me and I caught a whiff of garlic.
beforehand - wcześniej, z góry, uprzednio [earlier (than a particular time)]
I knew she was coming that afternoon because she had phoned beforehand to say so.
to combine - łączyć [to come together to form a single thing or group; to join two or more things or groups together to form a single one]
Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.
bonus - idiom
a tough cookie
A person who is a tough cookie is someone with a strong and determined character who is not easily intimidated, discouraged or defeated.
I'm not worried about Jason's future - he's a tough cookie!


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Talia fiszek anki plik

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