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All you need is Netscape or #internet explorer, and a long distance phone line.

Here's How To Begin
1.Click the Download button and Save FantasyGirl.exe to a directory that you will remember - for example: C:/TEMP, or just save the file to your desktop. Be sure to pay attention to the location where this file is saved!
2. Open the file by double clicking on it. The software will install and you will be presented with the Ultimate Action connection window.
Note: if you cannot find the file after downloading, clicking "Start" on the Microsoft Tool Bar. Next, click "Programs", and then click "Windows Explorer". Once Windows Explorer has opened, navigate to where you saved the Fantasy
Girl.exe software and double click on the file.
3. Click the "Dial" button. If you need a special prefix or access code to dial an outside line, enter it in the box provided. If you do NOT need any special prefix or access code to dial an outside, leave the box blank.
4. You're done! Once connected, the Ultimate Action software will automatically launch your web browser with the Ultimate Action website preloaded.