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Dlaczego niesporczaki mogą przetrwać 1000 razy silniejsze promieniowanie od jakiegokolwiek innego zwierzęcia?
Okazuje się, że ich DNA otacza ochronne białko nazwane dsup (damage suppressor).
Co ciekawe:

“The human cells that made Dsup saw a reduction of around 40 to 50 per cent in the DNA damage caused by X-rays compared with control cells,” says Kunieda. This protection disappeared almost completely when his team used RNA to sabotage the Dsup gene, demonstrating that it is the key protective factor.

jednak pozostaje jeszcze kwestia tego:

Trawling through the tardigrade genome, Kunieda also found that the animals have extra copies of other protective genes. They have 16 copies of enzymes that neutralise reactive oxygen species compared with just 10 in most other creatures, and four copies of MRE11 genes that repair DNA instead of the single copy normally found in animal cells.

artykuł : https://www.newscientist.com/article/2106468-worlds-hardiest-animal-has-evolved-radiation-shield-for-its-dna/?cmpid=SOC%7CNSNS%7C2016-FBvideo-TARDIGRADES&utm_medium=SOC&utm_source=NSNS&utm_campaign=FBvideo&utm_content=TARDIGRADES

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bosfor606 - Dlaczego niesporczaki  mogą przetrwać 1000 razy silniejsze promieniowanie...
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