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#film #hollywood #christianbale

**[Christian Bale: We’d Be Better Off If ‘White Dudes’ Weren’t Running Everything](https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/christian-bale-american-culture-white-men_us_5a392b91e4b0c65287ac6a6b?)

“Our culture will be so much richer the day that we stop saying ‘Hey it’s all white dudes who are running things,’” he said. “Whether that be Hollywood, whether that be Washington, you know. We’re going to get, in Hollywood, so much better films and so much more interesting stories being told and America will become the America that the rest of the world sees it as, that makes it unique … that we recognize makes this such a beautiful, brilliant country.”
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Christian Bale: We’d Be Better Off If ‘...
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