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Argentyna i Urugwaj pozbawione prądu.

Energy distribution company Edesur, a major provider to the two nations, confirmed the outage in a tweet and promised more information later.

"A massive failure in the electrical interconnection system left all of Argentina and Uruguay without power," said Edesur. Company spokeswoman Alejandra Martinez described the power as historic, saying "nothing like this has ever happened."

The Argentinian company later said it had started the "normalization process, which will require several hours." Authorities are hoping it does not interfere with regional elections in parts of Argentina. The provincial government of Buenos Aires has put emergency services on alert.

Uruguayan authorities blamed the Argentinian grid for the blackout. Uruguay's UTE power company said "a fault in the Argentina network affected the interconnected system, leaving the entire national territory without service, as well as several provinces of the neighbor country."

The blackout affected around 50 million people. An hour after the blackout, UTE said it had started to restore its services to some parts of the country.

Uruguay relies on Argentina — the third largest energy supplier in Latin America — for a significant portion of its energy needs, although investments in renewable energies, such as wind and solar, have allowed it to wean itself from its southern neighbor.


"Ogromna awaria pozbawiła prądu całą Argentynę i Urugwaj" - poinformowała na Twitterze firma Edesur, główny argentyński dostawca energii elektrycznej. Odcięte od zasilania są także część Brazylii i Paragwaju.

Przerwa w dostawie prądu nastąpiła wkrótce po godz. 7 rano czasu lokalnego, powodując zatrzymanie pociągów i awarie sygnalizacji ruchu drogowego.


#energetyka #blackout #swiat #amerykapoludniowa #argentyna #urugwaj
Pobierz TerapeutyczneMruczenie - Argentyna i Urugwaj pozbawione prądu.

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