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#klasykiniepoprawnejmuzyki #rodezja #antykomunizm #afryka
Clem Tholet - Another Hitler

If the world had another Hitler

Then where'd they go this time?

Would they stand aside and let him roll on through?

Would they keep their smug expressions

Or hide trembling in the dark

While some little country stood and fought for truth?

And yet the world attacks my country

For keeping our people free

With all the brave young men that she can find

There's thirty thousand heroes, stand to fight

The Russian tide

And will no one come and fight here by their side?

Well it's only forty years or so since Britain gave the call

And without a question we fought by her side

Will the battle that we're fighting be the one that history marks

As the day when British honor finally died

And yet the world attacks my country

For keeping our people free

With all the brave young men that she can find

There's thirty thousand heroes, stand to fight The Russian tide

And will no one come and fight here by their side, by their side

And if another Joseph Stalin

Or his old big daddy Marx

Should raise their heads in America the free

Would those down home-folks stand idle

While the hammer and the sickle flew

Above the flame that burns on liberty

They forget about the evil

That lies rampant and raging in their homes

They forget about the ghettos and the busing

And the Indian people that they now disown

Is it any wonder that we gag

On the sanctimonious trash they try to feed us

Through the barrel of a gun?

While the nations scrap and scramble

For this piece of land we own

Do they ever stop to think of where it leads

'Cause this battle is not the last one

And we're only stepping stones

And finally America will bleed

Vargtimmen - #klasykiniepoprawnejmuzyki #rodezja #antykomunizm #afryka
Clem Tholet -...
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