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Season 2 story will be about this:

Mando will go to new Planets but we will get to see Kamino, Corruscant and Naboo.

Moff Gideon will day halfway the season for a brand new villain which is revealed to be the real leader, a force sensitive Dark side user, Luke Skywalker will be mentioned.

This new villain will be a Ren knight, he will be a old Mandalorian Who choose darkness.

Baby Yoda will have a name. We will see his Origins in this season.

A Twi'Lek will join Mando.

The Knight of Ren will use Luke's blue lightsaber which he found on Bespin and will probably sell it to Maz or so.

Boba Fett will show up as alive, Sabine Wren from Rebels too, Mando will use the Dark saber and the season will even go to Mandalore ruins, KotoR references will be there.

Episodes will be a little longer.

Another Tatooine episode is coming. Hutts will show up.

#starwars #mandalorian
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