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Wiecie co sie wczoraj #!$%@?ło? Ano hedge fundy zbijały cene shortami w iloścaich po kilkadziesiąt milinów akcji na godzine xD

9:35 AM: The market opened and we had a huge drop off in price and a HUGE spike in volume. Hedgefunds shorted over 18,363,000 Shares (over the first 5 minutes. The amount of shorting was so aggressive, that trading got halted twice within the first minutes.

9:45 AM TO 1:50 PM: Trading pretty much went in our favor the whole time, people kept buying in, we hit the daily high of $185 at around 1PM and went sideways for almost 1 hour after that

1:55PM: Shit gets interesting. Really aggressive shorting for the second time that day brings the price down to $126. At that point in time, between 5,000,000 and 7,000,000 shares were shorted in the blink of an eye. What stood out for me at that point in time is, that the price kept going in the same direction after every short attack (between $100 and $125). That tells me, it was really important to get the price down in that direction. (more in a few seconds)

2PM TO 3:25PM: People buying in again, driving the price up to $140 - $150. And Now shit gets juicy.

3:30PM TO 4:00PM: The 3rd aggressive short attack begins and keeps on going for 30 minutes, until the market closes. 10,000,000 shares were shorted in this time span.


Rabusek - Wiecie co sie wczoraj #!$%@?ło? Ano hedge fundy zbijały cene shortami w ilo...

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