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Transiting Germany
Germany is currently only allowing travellers from designated virus variant areas such as the UK to transit Germany by air, without passing national border control. This means that transits are only possible for onward flights out of the Schengen Area, where passengers from the UK remain in the airport transit area without entering Germany. Intra-Schengen onward transfers are not permitted. You should check with your airline before travelling.

According to Federal Interior Ministry guidance and the German Embassy in London, transit through Germany by land with a private vehicle is currently not possible because of the UK’s designation as a virus variant area of concern.



Nie wiem kiedy to sie zmienilo, w kazdym razie ja przejechalem bez problemu (25 czerwca)

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Germany is currently only allowing travellers fro...
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@Cryptonerd_io: nie chce mi sie tego szukac, ale tranzyt jako Polak do swojrgo kraju jest na luzie dozwolony. Wycinek o UK ze strony gov uk dotyczy anglikow.

A gorna czesc odnosi sie do lotow, bo nikt z wysp do niemczech na relaks nie jezdzi.
@peszmerd: lecisz do berlina i potem busem do pl na przyklad. Ate w zwiazu z regulacja nie mozesz tego zrobic, nie wypuszcza cie z lotniska xd
Co do tego ze to "polakow nie dotyczy" - nie wiem - na stronie nie ma zaznaczone nic o obywatelstwie