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@you-like-this-user: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364970/characters/nm0004874

Save the planet. Whenever I've read that bumper sticker I've had to laugh. Save the planet. What for? And for what, ourselves? What about God, can He help us? I don't think so. God gave us what we have to see how we use it. Shit, rats in a cage would have done it better. Life's a bitch and then you die - bumper sticker philosophy. Yeah, right. Sometimes,
@Areooo51: Dziękuję! Tak robiłem, tylko z błędami typu:

Save the planet. Whenever I've read that bumper sticker I've hate(d) life. Save the planet. What for? And from what, ourselves?

itd. i tyle wystarczało, żeby Google pokazywało mnóstwo sklepów z naklejkami „save the planet” a nic o filmach (°°
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