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#mstarzecnews #webdev #coding #nodejs #javascript #go #rustlang #it #bash #aws #apple #windows #electronics

## JS/Web:
- React hooks - https://usehooks.com/
- Migrating Netflix to GraphQL Safely - https://netflixtechblog.com/migrating-netflix-to-graphql-safely-8e1e4d4f1e72
- Library for building cross-platform terminal apps - https://github.com/ronilan/that-is-impossible

## Coding:
- Bits manipulation in Go - https://lemire.me/blog/2023/02/07/bit-hacking-with-go-code/
- Blazingly fast backends in zig - https://github.com/zigzap/zap

## Cloud/CDN:
- The Cuban CND - https://blog.cloudflare.com/the-cuban-cdn/
- Introducing HTTP/3 Prioritization - https://blog.cloudflare.com/better-http-3-prioritization-for-a-faster-web/

## Linux/Unix:
- Desktop Linux Hardening - https://privsec.dev/posts/linux/desktop-linux-hardening/

## Apple:
- Blazingly Fast Docker Desktop Alternative for MacOS - https://www.showwcase.com/show/34961/orbstack-blazingly-fast-docker-desktop-alternative-for-macos
- Display a very bright white color on HDR-enabled display - https://github.com/dtinth/superwhite

## Windows:
- A graphical user interface for package managers such as Winget, Scoop, Chocolatey, Pip and NPM - http://www.marticliment.com/wingetui/

## Software/Services:
- Clipboard on steroids - https://github.com/Slackadays/Clipboard

## Electronics:
- TypeScript for Tiny IoT Devices - https://microsoft.github.io/devicescript/
- Hardware Hacking to Bypass BIOS Passwords - https://blog.cybercx.co.nz/bypassing-bios-password
- Linux distributions running on a mobile devices - https://drewdevault.com/2023/06/16/Mobile-linux-retrospective.html
- The Raspberry Pi shortage is finally coming to an end - https://www.pcworld.com/article/1939160/at-last-the-raspberry-pi-shortage-is-finally-coming-to-an-end.html

## IT:
- Is Converso safe? - https://crnkovic.dev/testing-converso/
- privateGPT - https://github.com/imartinez/privateGPT
- Shooting Through Walls: Unraveling the Code Behind Quake's Lightning Gun Bug - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gNYTqn3qRc

## Other:
- How to make a QR code with Stable Diffusion - https://stable-diffusion-art.com/qr-code/
- Maps distort how we see the world - https://unchartedterritories.tomaspueyo.com/p/maps-distort-how-we-see-the-world
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