Wpis z mikrobloga

#mstarzecnews #webdev #coding #nodejs #javascript #go #rustlang #it #bash #aws #apple #windows #electronics

## JS/Web:
- WebP is so great... except it’s not - https://eng.aurelienpierre.com/2021/10/webp-is-so-great-except-its-not/
- A collection of JavaScript tools written in Rust - https://oxc-project.github.io
- State of Node.js performance - https://github.com/RafaelGSS/state-of-nodejs-performance-2023#util

## Rust/Zig/Nim:
- Zig cookbook - https://github.com/zigcc/zig-cookbook
- Why stdout is faster than stderr? - https://blog.orhun.dev/stdout-vs-stderr/

## Coding:
- 100 Days of Visualizing Algorithms - https://100daysofalgorithms.tumblr.com/

## AI/ML:
- The world's first transformer supercomputer - https://www.etched.ai
- Open-source ChatGPT alternative that runs
100% offline on your computer - https://jan.ai

## Kubernetes/Docker:
- Container to WASM converter - https://github.com/ktock/container2wasm

## Linux/Unix:
- Quality audio software for Linux Audio Production such as LV2, VST2, VST3, and CLAP effects, synthesizers and sampler plugins - https://linuxdaw.org
- Unix-like kernel and operating system written from scratch in Rust - https://blog.lenot.re/a/introduction
- Tool for writing Linux pipes in a terminal-based UI interactively, with instant live preview of command results - https://github.com/akavel/up
- Adventures of Linux Userspace at Meta - https://media.ccc.de/v/all-systems-go-2023-193-adventures-of-linux-userspace-at-meta

## Apple:
- Simple, distraction-free to-do app - https://nowdo.org

## Software/Services:
- A New Approach to Command-Line Find & Replace, and Renaming - https://blog.robenkleene.com/2023/12/26/introducing-rep-ren/
- Lan mouse - https://github.com/feschber/lan-mouse
- The fastest browser on Earth - https://thorium.rocks
- OutRun is an iOS app for recording and viewing your outdoor workouts. Despite the name it supports not just running, but also walking, hiking, cycling and skating - https://github.com/timfraedrich/OutRun
- An open source sharing solution built on OpenZiti - https://docs.zrok.io/docs/getting-started/
- Self host a DNS server for privacy & security - technitium.com/dns/
- An open source, cross-platform Spotify client compatible across multiple platforms
utilizing Spotify's data API and YouTube - https://github.com/KRTirtho/spotube

## Electronics:
- Making a mini computer from scratch with Raspberry Pi, SSD1306 and Linux - https://popovicu.com/posts/making-a-mini-computer-from-scratch-with-raspberry-pi-and-linux/
- Reverse engineering Bluetooth LE LED light controllers, or How I Bricked My Christmas Lights - https://www.whizzy.org/2023-12-14-bricked-xmas/
- Smallest USB-C MIDI Synth - https://mitxela.com/projects/smsc
- How To Make Your Own SDR Software With GNU Radio Companion - https://hackaday.com/2023/12/16/roll-your-own-sdr/
- Pi5 USB-C Gadget - https://www.hardill.me.uk/wordpress/2023/12/23/pi5-usb-c-gadget/
- There's no DAC on the ESP32-S3 - but that's not a problem - we'll just use PDM! - https://atomic14.substack.com/p/esp32-s3-no-dac
- How I built a fully offline smart home, and why you should too - https://www.androidauthority.com/offline-smart-home-3398608/
- DIY night clock projector - https://microengineer.eu/2018/05/01/diy-night-clock-projector/
- ESP32 with WiFi6 Connectivity - https://www.espressif.com/en/news/ESP32-C61_SoC
- Dumping Firmware for fun and learning - https://github.com/AkechiShiro/slides-talks/blob/main/UYBHYS2022/Talk%20SPI%20chips.pdf
- 1/150 scale Car System in which the car runs along wires under the road - https://hackaday.com/2024/01/18/turning-a-1150-scale-model-car-into-a-real-driving-car-with-lights/
- Bus Pirate 5 is an open-source hardware debugging tool that converts simple commands into common bus protocols such as 1-Wire, I2C, SPI, UART, several LEDs and more - https://buspirate.com

## IT:
- Scrum sucks? - https://blog.mb-consulting.dev/scrum-sucks-9960011fc5cf
- LeftoverLocals: a vulnerability that allows data recovery from GPU memory created by another process on Apple, Qualcomm, and AMD GPUs - https://leftoverlocals.com
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@mstarzec: thorium ostatnio mialo kompromitacje jak furas developer wrzucil do kodu jakies furry gowno a na swojej stronie trzymal obrzezane penisy (to akurat w slusznej sprawie)
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