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Parannoul - Youth Rebellion / 파란노을 - 청춘반란

#muzyka #altrock #shoegaze #noiserock

hymn pozytywnego przegrywa

Every day is the same

Every day is boring as fuck

What am I living for

I've forgotten that already

There's no such youth as I've seen in cartoons


Loser jobless virgin jackass fucking dickhead

Antisocial hikikomori

I was more desperate than anyone else

I wanted to be on stage

I wanted to be a rockstar

20 years old youth rebellion that will never come again

20 years old youth rebellion that will never be forgotten

I know I won't, I know I can't, but I still want to struggle

No matter what anyone says, my story won't die

No matter what anyone says, my song won't die

The sun will rise again tomorrow

We will live like that anyway

Because that's the world we live in
important_sample - Parannoul - Youth Rebellion / 파란노을 - 청춘반란

#muzyka #altrock #shoeg...
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