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Słynne wykłady Feynmana

Kanały na YT:

Dr. Becky
Sabine Hossenfelder
Angela Collier
Physics with Elliot
ScienceClic English
Sixty Symbols
Mr. P Solver
PBS Space Time
The WE-Heraeus International Winter School on Gravity and Light
Frederic Schuller
DrPhysicsA - nieaktywny, fizyka na poziomie A-level jak sama nazwa wskazuje
Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal
Parth G
Quantum Sense
Andrew Dotson

Polecam szczególnie wszystko od Frederica Schullera, MIT 8.04 Quantum Physics I z Allanem Adamsem i pierwsze kursy od Susskinda (Stanford), bo są bardzo łatwe w odbiorze

MIT: 8.01SC Classical Mechanics, Fall 2016, 5.60 Thermodynamics & Kinetics, Spring 2008, 8.04 Quantum Physics I, Spring 2013 (2013), 8.04 Quantum Physics I, Spring 2016, 8.05 Quantum Physics II, Fall 2013, 8.286 The Early Universe, Fall 2013, 8.333 Statistical Mechanics I: Statistical Mechanics of Particles, 2.003SC Engineering Dynamics, Fall 2011, 8.20 Introduction to Special Relativity, January IAP 2021, 8.962 General Relativity, Spring 2020, 8.323 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory I, Spring 2023, 8.821 String Theory and Holographic Duality, Fall 2014

Leonard Susskind - Stanford: Classical Mechanics (Fall 2011), Special Relativity, The Theoretical Minimum: Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, Cosmology, Statistical Mechanics, String Theory and M-Theory, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Particle Physics: Basic Concepts, Quantum Entanglements: Part 1 (Fall 2006), Quantum Entanglements: Part 3, Modern Physics: Einstein's Theory, Modern Physics: Cosmology, Modern Physics: Statistical Mechanics, Particle Physics: Standard Model

The WE-Heraeus International Winter School on Gravity and Light - Central Lecture Course - polecam jak głupi! w zasadzie kurs matematyki wymaganej przed nauką ogólnej teorii względności
Lectures on Geometrical Anatomy of Theoretical Physics - ten sam wykładowca co wyżej

XylyXylyX: QED- Prerequisite Topics, What is General Relativity?, Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

Sean Carroll - The Biggest Ideas in the Universe! - dosyć przystępne/popularnonaukowe

Yale - Fundamentals of Physics with Ramamurti Shankar
Yale - Fundamentals of Physics II with Ramamurti Shankar
Oxford - Quantum Mechanics
Mathematical methods for physics - Carl Bender

ViaScience - Quantum Mechanics
Relativity by eigenchris
Standard Model
Particle Physics 2020
Nick Heumann - Quantum Field Theory
Tensor Calculus for Physics
The Anechoic Chamber - General Relativity i nie tylko podcast
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