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- Posobiec was an organizer of the DeploraBall, an event held on January 17, 2017 to celebrate Trump's inauguration.[8]

- Posobiec falsely said that at a United States Senate hearing on May 17, 2017 former FBI director James Comey “said under oath that Trump did not ask him to halt any investigation.” The claim was later repeated by the conservative media, including in prominent outlets such as InfoWars and Rush Limbaugh.[2]

- Posobiec promoted the discredited conspiracy theory that Seth Rich had leaked e-mails from the Democratic National Committee to Wikileaks.[3]

- Posobiec live-streamed an investigation of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, in which high-ranking officials were alleged to have been involved in a child-sex ring centered at a Washington, D.C. pizzeria. Posobiec was asked to leave after attempting to broadcast a child's birthday party being held in a back room of the restaurant. [9]

- Posobiec promoted e-mails and files leaked to 4chan of Emmanuel Macron shortly before the French presidential election in 2017.[3]

- Posobiec led a campaign in November 2016 to discredit anti-Trump protesters by planting a sign at a protest reading "Rape Melania".[10]

- Posobiec promoted a hoax that CNN had published and then deleted an article defending Bill Maher's use of a racial slur. [11]

- On June 4, 2017, Posobiec tweeted, "There's never been a terrorist attack at a Nascar race. Nascar fans are all armed. Draw your own conclusions." His comment was widely ridiculed on social media.[12]

- On June 14, 2017, shortly after Republican Representative Steve Scalise was shot during a baseball practice, Posobiec falsely tweeted that Loretta Lynch had previously called for "blood in the streets"[6] and that Bernie Sanders had ordered his followers to "take down" Trump.[13]

- On June 16, 2017, Posobiec disrupted a Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar that depicted the title character as a President Trump-like figure. Posobiec was prompted by Mike Cernovich, another alt-right conspiracy theorist, who had offered a $1,000 prize for anyone who interrupted the play.[14] Posobiec was escorted from the event along with fellow protester Laura Loomer, who was arrested for disorderly conduct after refusing to leave the stage.[6]

- In December 2016, Posobiec claimed without evidence that Disney had re-written scenes in the Star Wars movie Rogue One to add "Anti Trump scenes calling him a racist," and called for a boycott of Star Warsfranchise. Disney denied the allegations.[15]

- Posobiec organized a "Rally Against Political Violence" in Washington, D.C. on January 25, 2017 that drew a sparse crowd. Richard Spencer, another alt-right figure, ridiculed the event and called it "pathetic".[16]


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falszywyprostypasek - Nowy ekspert #tvpis. 

- Posobiec was an organizer of the Deplo...

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