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Jeśli ktoś jakimś cudem nie zajarzył jeszcze, że tak zwany dżender to ciężki mózgotrzep, a jego ofiary są na najlepszej drodze do uformowania pierwszej w świecie rzeczywistym cyberpunkowej sekty nieszczęśników bez pojęcia o tymże świecie i o sobie samych, to gorąco polecam lekturę poniższych wątków:

This fetishized in-game ad from Cyberpunk 2077 raises some questions about how the game may depict LGBT

> I wish the game had the positive trans representation needed to cast aside any doubt about their intentions.
> Wow that's fucked up. That should really make a statement on all of this transphobia
> So fucking true. You spilled the tea. I’m tired of straight males tbh.
> So this is it then. There's no denying or dancing around this fact anymore: CDPR is firmly anti-trans, and anti-queer. This is their politics.
> The real problem is the context surrounding how CDPR, the polish government, and global society treats trans people. Maybe if trans representation in games (and CDPR in particular) was actually good then this would be fine. But they aren't willing to do that and it's just a spit in the face.
RPS: Cyberpunk 2077's E3 demo has weak gunplay and unimaginative stereotypes

> CDPR aren't exactly the beacon of progressiveness so not that surprised about the representation aspect. Such a shame.
> They are a Polish game studio. I am not holding my breath for deep cultural sensitivity that avoids racial stereotypes.
> Polish devs so we can only hope theres someone over there instructing how to make an inclusive game for western audiences
> I know reports on Poland show its well behind when it comes to tolerance and respect of other cultures and races (very anti-muslim, low opinion on non-whites, concerning attitudes towards women), but i was hoping CDProject to be an example of progress and that would show though thier games. This is very very disappointing.
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opis odnośnika

> I’m also increasingly concerned about Cyberpunk’s handling of non-white cultures. Last year’s Gamescom demo drew criticism for its clumsy and inauthentic presentation of a Latino character, and I’m not convinced the Voodoo Boys are a step in the right direction. (...) near the end of the demo, we meet a white man in a suit and tie who gives us the information we need. He also tells us the Voodoo Boys are going to turn on us the moment we’ve done their dirty work – and is immediately proved right. The violent black thugs betrayed us, as the corporate white man said they would.
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@epi: Była jakaś aferka na tłiterze, wcześniej podobna z wiedźminem, a teraz TO... W skrócie rzec można, że CDPR krzywo się spojrzał, albo im uroiło się, że krzywo spojrzał.
@iAmTS: U nas dżendery i SJWs dopiero zaczynają się pojawiać - z jakąś dekadą opóźnienia, bez większej bazy akademickiej, medialnej, politycznej i kapitałowej. Bardziej to przypomina subkulturę młodzieżową, niż ekspansywny ruch (gang) lewicowy. Bierze się to stąd, że współczesna polska lewica ma korzenie jednoznacznie leninowsko-stalinowskie, amerykańska zaś: raczej trockistowsko-maoistowskie (choć zapuszczane przez dekady za pieniądze sowieckie). Mówiąc obrazowo: postulat, by opodatkować wstrętnych watykańczyków, wzbudzi u nas stukrotnie większe zrozumienie i entuzjazm,