Wpis z mikrobloga

Odpowiedź Amazonu na temat dostępności Pixela 4a (znaleziona na Pepperze):

Thank you for contacting Amazon.de Customer Support!
As soon as I received your email, I have checked the item Google Pixel 4a on our website.
At the moment, the item is not in stock as sold by Amazon, but considering that holidays are approaching I can assume that it will be in the near future.
I have now contacted our department that is responsible for restocking the item, and asked if it is possible to restock the item.
All you can do from this point, is to check our website from time to time and see if the item is available.
I hope that I could be of service to you with the information provided.
Your tremendous patience, cooperation and understanding on the matter is highly appreciated!
For any future query or issue, feel free to contact us, we would be delighted to assist you!
Thank you for shopping with Amazon.de!

I to by było na tyle jeśli chodzi o zakup na Amazonie. W takim zadupiu właśnie żyjemy.

#pixel #pixel4a #telefony
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@czympyrympym: Parę tygodni temu czytałem podobną odpowiedź na reddicie. Zaczynam wątpić w to, czy ten telefon w ogóle się tam pojawi, a nawet jeśli to przecież jak się ludzie rzucą, to w 10 minut wszystko się rozejdzie i potem znów kolejne miesiące bezsensownego czekania