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Są jakieś spoliery? Na razie natrafiłem na coś takiego i mnie przeraża, jeżeli to prawda to chcę mieć to potwierdzone - nie pójdę do kina

Resistance is blown to hell at beginning. There is a plot of about tracking to lightspeed so Resistance will not go to lightspeed. Entire movie is FO chasing Resistance. Finn are dispatched to find how not to track in lightspeed. Finn and Rose and BB-8 goes to Casino looking for Code Cracker to get him onboard to disable tracking device of FO. Poe is till hot shot pilot and goes rogue pilot and blows up missle/air defenses. Leia is pissed at him and demotes him for going Rogue. He causes mutiny and towards end of film but helps Resistence escape to planet. Luke uses his lightsaber in two flash back scenes. Rey leaves Luke and goes to fight Kylo. HUMOR Porgs are everywhere. Chewbacca accidentally kills one and almost eats one. Three porgs show up with sad eyes and he does not. Battle between Rey and Kylo is not final battle of movie. Kylo kills Snoke. Kylo and Rey team up. Rey does not turn. Rey escapes. Reys lightsaber is destroyed and does not have one at end. Final battle is between Luke and Kylo but Luke is still on Achto and projecting his image and never leaves Achto. He has so much Force power to project himself. He dies at end. Force drained. Luke does talk to Leia but its his projected image. Kylo is super evil at end. Luke should have killed him when he had a chance at academy or will he be redeemed in #9. Movie ends with everyone on Falcon reunited Rey, Leia, Poe, Finn, R2, Chewbacca, BB-8. Resistance is really done. Rey does not have lightsaber at end. But can retrieve Luke’s on Achto. Also movie ends with Leia alive so 9 should have been her movie most likely converting Kylo back to good side. No sure where they will go with that now.
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