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abasement - upokorzenie, poniżenie [the act of making someone seem less important or less deserving of respect]
Slaves were subject to a life of degradation and abasement.
to totter - chwiać się, zataczać się [to walk with difficulty in a way that looks as if you are about to fall]
She tottered unsteadily down the stairs in her high-heeled shoes.
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to juxtapose - zestawiać ze sobą [to put things that are not similar next to each other]
The exhibition juxtaposes Picasso's early drawings with some of his later works.
laborious - żmudny, pracochłonny [taking a lot of time and effort]
Checking all the information will be slow and laborious.
cassock - sutanna [a long, loose, usually black piece of
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Talia fiszek anki plik

to juxt...

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@Qraape: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

@Fearaneruial: +1, staram się podawać jedno tłumaczenie (nie koniecznie jedno słowo, ale tłumaczenia znaczące +- to samo), jest w FAQ :)

@aligejtor: ()

@qwewsik: tak, mam napisane swoje skrypty do ogarniania tego wszystkiego, ale do użycia innego niż moje chyba się za bardzo nie nadają
  • Odpowiedz
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to espouse - opowiadać się za, wyznawać [formal; to become involved with or support an activity or opinion]
They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education.
prophylactic - profilaktyczny [preventing disease]
Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a prophylactic treatment.
self-assured - pewny siebie [approving
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to espo...

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to vitiate - wypaczać, osłabiać [formal; to destroy or damage something]
He said that American military power should never again be vitiated by political concerns.
hidebound - ograniczony, zacofany [having fixed opinions and ways of doing things and not willing to change or be influenced, especially by new or modern ideas]
She wanted a life that was less
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to viti...

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to suppurate - ropieć [(of an injury, etc.) to form or give out a thick, yellow liquid because of infection]
Suppurating wounds are also a potential source of environmental contamination with infectious bacilli.
thereupon - po czym, zaraz, bezzwłocznie [formal; immediately after the situation mentioned; as a direct result of the situation mentioned]
The audience thereupon rose cheering
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to supp...

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to bedevil - dokuczać, nękać [to confuse, annoy, or cause problems or difficulties for someone or something]
Ever since I started playing tennis, I've been bedevilled by back pains.
disconsolate - niepocieszony [extremely sad and disappointed]
The players were disconsolate after losing what should have been an easy game.
genial - przyjazny, miły [friendly and cheerful]
The teacher
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to bede...

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tantamount - równoznaczny [formal; having the same bad effect as something else]
Her refusal to answer was tantamount to an admission of guilt.
undergrowth - podszycie leśne [a mass of bushes, small trees, and plants, especially growing under the trees in a forest]
Police discovered the body hidden in thick undergrowth.
outstretched - rozpostarty [reaching out as
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to waylay - zastąpić drogę, napaść z nienacka [to stop someone who is going somewhere, especially in order to talk to them or attack them]
I meant to leave earlier but I was waylaid on the way out of a meeting by my manager.
pell-mell - bezładnie, na łeb na szyję [old-fashioned; very fast and not organized]
At the sound
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Talia fiszek anki plik

to wayl...

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precipitately - pochopnie [formal; in a way that is too sudden and done without thinking]
Scientists are annoyed that the research programme has been abandoned so precipitately.
insuperable - nie do przezwyciężenia [formal; (especially of a problem) so great or severe that it cannot be defeated or dealt with successfully]
Things which defeated you a short
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quotidian - codzienny, zwykły [formal; ordinary; typical of what happens every day]
Television has become part of our quotidian existence.
to imperil - narażać na niebezpieczeństwo [formal; to put something or someone at risk or in danger of being harmed or destroyed]
A police raid would imperil the lives of the hostages.
cobweb - pajęczyna
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lordly - wielkopański, zarozumiały [used to decribe someone who behaves as if they are better than other people]
He dismissed us with a lordly gesture.
remittance - przekaz pieniężny, przelew [formal; an amount of money that you send to someone]
She sends a small remittance home to her parents each month.
preeminent - wybitny, wyróżniający się [
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Talia fiszek anki plik

lordly ...

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busker - uliczny grajek [UK; someone who sings, plays, or performs in a public place so that people will give money]
A busker was playing violin on the train platform.
inopportune - nieodpowiedni, niedogodny [formal; happening or done at a time that is not suitable or convenient]
I'm sorry, you've called at an inopportune moment.
unequivocal -
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busker ...

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minutely - drobiazgowo [very carefully, or looking at every small detail]
The metal is then minutely examined to ensure there are no cracks.
to belie - zadać kłam [to show something to be false, or to hide something such as an emotion]
Her calm face belied the terror she was feeling.
apprehensive - lękliwy [feeling worried about something that
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assemblage - zgromadzenie [formal; a collection of things or a group of people or animals]
A varied assemblage of birds was probing the mud for food.
mercurial - nieprzewidywalny, zmienny [literary; often changing or reacting in a way that is unexpected]
Emily's mercurial temperament made her difficult to live with.
impetus - bodziec, impet [something
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to rend - drzeć, rozdzierać [literary; to tear or break something violently]
They rent their clothes in grief.
to snarl - warczeć [(especially of dogs) to make a deep, rough sound while showing the teeth, usually in anger or (of people) to speak or say something angrily and forcefully]
The dogs started to snarl at each other so
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Talia fiszek anki plik

to rend...

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to demur - sprzeciwiać się, wnosić obiekcję [formal; to express disagreement or refuse to do something]
The lawyer requested a break in the court case, but the judge demurred.
prickle - cierń, kolec [one of several thin, sharp points that stick out of a plant or animal]
The fruit can be eaten once the prickles have been removed.
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to demu...

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idiosyncrasy - osobliwość, dziwactwo [a strange or unusual habit, way of behaving, or feature that someone or something has]
She often cracks her knuckles when she's speaking - it's one of her little idiosyncrasies.
to swelter - zlewać się potem [(of a person) to feel very hot; to be very hot in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable]
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Talia fiszek anki ze słówkami z poprzedniego tygodnia (7 * 10 = 70) link

Dla każdego słowa generowane są 3 fiszki: PL->EN, EN->PL, uzupełnianie luki w zdaniu (w każdym typie fiszek wyświetlają się też odpowiednie dodatkowe informacje jak zapis fonetyczny, wyjaśnienie słownikowe, jaka to część mowy (verb, noun itp.) itp.). Każdy typ fiszki wymaga wpisania polskiego/agielskiego słowa, aby angażować więcej zmysłów i poprawiać zapamiętywanie.
W PL->EN i EN->PL odtwarza się plik dźwiękowy
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salutary - zbawienny [formal; having a good effect on someone or something, though often seeming unpleasant]
The accident was a salutary reminder of the dangers of climbing.
banality - banał [formal; the quality of being boring, ordinary, and not original, or something that is like this]
What's on show in this programme is the sheer banality
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to hobble - kuśtykać [to walk in an awkward way, usually because the feet or legs are injured]
Some of the runners could only manage to hobble over the finishing line.
humdrum - monotonny, nudny [having no excitement, interest, or new and different events]
Most of the work is fairly humdrum.
ornery - wredny, kłótliwy [informal; likely
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Talia fiszek anki plik

to hobb...

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