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@snx: dlaczego taki typ dziewczyn sie wgl nazywa suicide? Co one maja z samobostwami wspolnego? Chodzi o to, ze takim wygladem popełniaja "samobojstwo spoleczne" czy co? O_o Powaznie pytam

According to Missy, the term "suicide girl" comes from Fight Club author and Portland, Oregon resident Chuck Palahniuk, who wrote in his novel Survivor (1999): "It's the same with these suicide girls calling me up."[4] As a trademark applied to the website and related merchandise and media, the term "SuicideGirls" is a single word, though this is often violated by external sources who split it into two words. The girls
@szymon_jude: Za wiki:

According to Missy, the term "suicide girl" comes from Fight Club author and Portland, Oregon resident Chuck Palahniuk, who wrote in his novel Survivor (1999): "It's the same with these suicide girls calling me up."[4] As a trademark applied to the website and related merchandise and media, the term "SuicideGirls" is a single word, though this is often violated by external sources who split it into two