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Taka ciekawostka na temat Fallouta 3, który nigdy nie powstał:

Chris Avellone napisał:

Based on one of the bugs with the car, the trunk of the car (not the car, just the trunk) was intended to be a high Luck encounter you could find in Fallout: Van Buren.

The disembodied trunk was planned to still hold some of the Chosen One's stuff from F2 that was lost when the trunk refused to reappear attached to the car.

Ah, F2 and your many, many bugs. Still, was fun to work on it despite its flaws.

#gry #rpg #crpg #pcmasterrace #fallout #ciekawostki
Pobierz Bethesda_sucks - http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/chris-avellone-appr...
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