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Żołnierze algierscy podczas mobilizacji, 1914 rok. Na wojnę Algieria wysłała 150 000 swoich żołnierzy. Oprócz tego kraj nawiedziła klęska nieurodzaju w 1917 roku i w 1920 fala głodu przetoczyła się przez Algierię.

"Of all the French colonies, Algeria represented the largest supplier of material resources and manpower for France along with West Africa. During the First World War, Algeria was asked to contribute more than any other country in what is called “French North Africa.” It responded by providing that which was expected by the colonial power. In other words, it provided capital, products and men for the war and factory work.

The most substantial material aid in the French colonial empire came from Algeria (with the exception of French West Africa). Over four years, the military stewardship sent its buying commissions, which had a de facto monopoly on buying products, and which proceeded with requisitions: most notably of grains, wine, tobacco, and sheep. These products were bought under conditions that were more advantageous than those of the minerals and other bulk items whose exportation was hindered due to the crisis of maritime transportation between Algeria and France. One is able to calculate that from 1915 to 1919 the savings for agricultural products equaled 770 million francs when compared to the cost of purchasing these items at market prices. In short, Algeria helped to feed France cheaply."

Bardzo dobry artykuł po angielsku o udziale Algierii w wojnie

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myrmekochoria - Żołnierze algierscy podczas mobilizacji, 1914 rok. Na wojnę Algieria ...

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