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Srebrny skarabeusz (oprócz tego elektrum i steatyt) zarządcy Wah, Egipt 1981–1975 rok przed naszą erą. Na stronie muzeum jest również audio z komentarzem kuratora.

"The estate manager Wah was buried in a small tomb near the imposing one of his employer, Meketre, an important official who began his career under Mentuhotep II of Dynasty 11 and continued to serve successive kings into early Dynasty 12. Wah's burial was found intact by the Museum excavators and the objects came to the Museum in the division of finds. In 1939, x-rays of Wah's mummy revealed the presence of jewelry and in 1940 the mummy was unwrapped. Among the jewelry were three scarab and bead bracelets (40.3.12-.14). All three were found in wrappings over the wrists of Wah's mummy.

This large silver scarab is of exceptionally fine workmanship. It was cast in several sections that were soldered together. Details on the legs, head, and wing cases and the scroll meander pattern on the base were chased. An electrum suspension tube runs through the length of the scarab and the Inlaid hieroglyphs on the scarab's wing cases are electrum, an alloy of gold and silver. Their light color renders them almost invisible unless the scarab is tarnished. The inscription on the left wing case list Wah's name and his title "overseer of the storehouse" (more broadly speaking, "estate manager"). Those on the right name his employer, the "nobleman" Meketre."


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