Wpis z mikrobloga

Dreams będzie miało premiere już na wiosnę ale najpierw jako Early Access.

What is Creator Early Access?

Early Access won’t have everything that the full version of Dreams will, but you’ll get 100% of the same Dreams tools that we have used every day at MM to make our content. As well as fun, deep interactive tutorials catering for all skill sets and levels and Mm-crafted arcade games ready to play and remix. If you joined us during the beta period and published your assets, you’ll also have your beta creations to return to. Along the way, we’ll be adding more features, tutorials, arcade levels and assets during the Early Access period as we build towards the full slate of launch content.


Cena to tylko $30.
Oczywiście każdy posiadacz Creator Early Access dostanie potem upgrade do pełnej wersji; cena pełnej wersji nie ulega zmianie.

#dreams #ps4
janushek - Dreams będzie miało premiere już na wiosnę ale najpierw jako Early Access....

źródło: comment_uVwE1U186w957rjG5N5l8vpfOgHv7Vhk.jpg

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When released, Dreams Early Access will be available digitally through the PlayStation Store and priced at €29.99. Early Access will be available in UK, USA, Australia, Austria, Benelux, New Zealand, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany and Spain.

#!$%@? faktycznie XD ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)
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Dreams Early Access is a strictly limited release

To po pierwsze, no i

Apparently they're still getting confirmation regarding other territories that aren't listed, so it is a possibility that it'll end up available in more countries than shown.

Więc nie wiem, pożyjemy zobaczymy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Na JP blogu nie ma w ogóle newsa, o krajach azjatyckich nie było wzmianki ani w poście na EU ani na
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