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Tesco w UK nie wyrabia i wprowadza ograniczenia sprzedaży niektórych produktów. Niezależnie od tego według badań 10% klientów robi zapasy.

Coronavirus: Tesco rations essential shopping items

Tesco, the UK's largest grocer, has begun rationing essential food and household items as a result of coronavirus stockpiling.

Shoppers are limited to buying no more than five of each of the rationed goods, including antibacterial gels, wipes and sprays, dry pasta, UHT milk and some tinned vegetables

The rules apply in stores and online.

Waitrose has introduced a temporary cap on some items on its website, including some anti-bacterial soaps and wipes.

The supermarket said it was in talks with its suppliers to ensure customer demand was met.

But it said some individual stores may have introduced restrictions, with "some branch managers making a judgement at a localised level".

(...) According to a survey from Retail Economics, as many as one in 10 UK consumers is stockpiling, based on a sample of 2,000 shoppers.


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@patrol798 myślisz, że nie będzie żadnych trudności z dostawami czegokolwiek? Albo strachu przed wzrostem cen pesymistycznej części społeczeństwa? Jak teraz obserwuję co się dzieje z koronawirusem, to ciekaw jestem, czy nie będzie gorzej z brexitem przez nadmiernych panikarzy. ¯\(ツ)