Idiom na dziś:

miss a beat

Przykłady użycia:

- When the teacher called on her unexpectedly, she didn't miss a beat and answered the question confidently.
- Despite the loud noise in the background, she continued to play her piano piece without missing a beat.

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Idiom na dziś:

to cut corners

Przykłady użycia:

- The team we hired was cutting a lot of corners.
- We could cut some corners here and there.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

spill the beans

Przykłady użycia:

- Tina spilled the beans about her surprise birthday party, ruining the surprise.
- I can't believe you spilled the beans about our upcoming vacation, now everyone wants to come along.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

take a fancy to sb/sth

Przykłady użycia:

- I can't explain it, but I took a fancy to pickles recently.
- It looks like she took a fancy to you! How did you do it?

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

ruffle feathers

Przykłady użycia:

- Her blunt comments ruffled some feathers in the company meeting.
- The new employee unknowingly ruffled feathers by taking the last donut in the break room.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

to break the ice

Przykłady użycia:

- What would you normally say to break the ice?
- We should play some game to break the ice.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

sea change

Przykłady użycia:

- Deciding to switch our cloud provider was a sea change for us. We had to rethink our approach in many areas.
- I bought new clothes and went to therapy. This happened to be a sea change for me.

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Idiom na dziś:

feel one's oats

Przykłady użycia:

- After winning the race, the young athlete was feeling his oats and celebrated with a victory dance.
- Since getting a promotion at work, my friend has been feeling his oats and taking charge of important projects.

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Idiom na dziś:

late to the party

Przykłady użycia:

- I just started watching Game of Thrones and I know I'm so late to the party.
- Everyone at the office already knew about the new project but I was late to the party and had no idea.

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Idiom na dziś:

scratch your on itch

Przykłady użycia:

- I don't need anyone's help, I can scratch my own itch.
- If you want to be successful, you need to learn to scratch your own itch.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

keep somebody in the dark

Przykłady użycia:

- She thinks she can protect me by keeping me in the dark all the time. I'm not a child anymore!
- It looks like he kept you in the dark for the last year. We are not together since January.

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Idiom na dziś:

have nose in

Przykłady użycia:

- Sarah always has her nose in a book and hardly notices anything happening around her.
- The boss accused Jane of having her nose in everybody's business and not focusing on her work.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Idiom na dziś:

once in a blue moon

Przykłady użycia:

- They only check up on us once in a blue moon so we have plenty of free time.
- You see? It's good to show others some kindness once in a blue moon.

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@Odcien_Trawiastego: @mac_mod:

A nazwa idiomu jest od dwóch pełni Księżyca w jednym miesiącu kalendarzowym (ta druga to właśnie blue moon) - co się zdarza mniej więcej 7 razy na 19 lat. Czyli tak mniej więcej co 2 i pół roku.

Czyli raz na ruski rok. (tu takie przymrużenie oka).

Czyli w roku zamiast 12 pełni Księżyca jest 13 pełni Księżyca, bo Księżyc ma cykl 29,5 dnia na pełen obrot
Idiom na dziś:

the party is over

Przykłady użycia:

- People got used to high returns, but the crypto-party is over now. It may be a big disappointment for many.
- It seems like the party is over. We have to go back to the office starting next week.

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Idiom na dziś:

the jig is up

Przykłady użycia:

- After lying to her parents about studying all weekend, the student had to confess when her mother found her at the mall, and she knew the jig was up.
- The thief knew that the jig was up when the store manager caught him stealing.

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Idiom na dziś:

jump ship

Przykłady użycia:

- When the company started failing, many employees decided to jump ship and look for new job opportunities.
- After the coach left, several players decided to jump ship and transfer to other schools.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

take it with pinch of salt

Przykłady użycia:

- When reading rumors about celebrities, it's best to take them with a pinch of salt.
- I heard that the new hire has a bad attitude, but I'll take it with a pinch of salt until I meet them myself.

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Idiom na dziś:

throw someone a bone

Przykłady użycia:

- I know you're struggling with this project, so I'm going to throw you a bone and give you an extra day to complete it."
- Could you please throw me a bone and share some of your notes from last week's lecture?"

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Idiom na dziś:

fight tooth and nail

Przykłady użycia:

- Despite being outnumbered in the competition, she fought tooth and nail for her team.
- The company fought tooth and nail to maintain its market share against its competitors.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

put a pin in sth

Przykłady użycia:

- Let's put a pin in that discussion and come back to it later.
- I have too many tasks to do today, I'll have to put a pin in my personal project.

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#angielski #