Idiom na dziś:

off the hook

Przykłady użycia:

- Don't worry, you're off the hook for cooking dinner tonight.
- The boss let me off the hook for the mistake I made on the project.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

to be on the ball

Przykłady użycia:

- Don't panic! I'm on the ball.
- He is on the ball when it comes to this technology.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

take the heat

Przykłady użycia:

- The CEO will take the heat for the company's poor performance in the current quarter.
- The coach decided to take the heat for the team's loss, even though it was a team effort.

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#angielski #
Idiom na dziś:

go off the rails

Przykłady użycia:

- After the company was sold, the new owners made a series of poor decisions and the business eventually went off the rails.
- The actor's career went off the rails after a series of personal scandals were uncovered by the media.

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Idiom na dziś:

bite off more than you can chew

Przykłady użycia:

- He agreed to organize the entire event on his own, but quickly realized he had bitten off more than he could chew.
- When Susan volunteered to lead three major projects at work, she soon felt overwhelmed and admitted she had bitten off more than she could chew.

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Idiom na dziś:

under the weather

Przykłady użycia:

- I'm feeling a bit under the weather. I'm taking a day off.
- She finished her work even though she was under the weather.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

to peter out

Przykłady użycia:

- Their plans to open a restaurant slowly petered out after they struggled to secure funding.
- The excitement of the new movie release quickly petered out after critics gave it negative reviews.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

one way or another

Przykłady użycia:

- I'll complete this project one way or another, no matter what obstacles come my way.
- We need to find a solution to this problem, one way or another.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

up the ante

Przykłady użycia:

- Our market position is quite stable right now. I think we should up the ante.
- They won't stand a chance if we up the ante.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
idiom z wczorajszego serialu: out of the blue
If something happens out of the blue, it is completely unexpected
- My old roommate called me out of the blue.
Idiom na dziś:

bottoms up

Przykłady użycia:

- Bottoms up! We need to maintain the pace!
- I'll drink to that! Bottoms up!

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

go down in flames

Przykłady użycia:

- I knew I shouldn't have started a political argument with my in-laws, but I couldn't help myself. The conversation went down in flames.
- Trying to launch a new business during a global pandemic was a risky move, and unfortunately, it went down in flames.

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Idiom na dziś:

right on the money

Przykłady użycia:

- The report's analysis of the situation was right on the money.
- We followed the map he gave us and ended up right on the money.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

miss the boat

Przykłady użycia:

- Did you miss the Bitcoin boat as well?
- Are you guys talking about that game bundle? I missed that boat too.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

let the grass grow under one's feet

Przykłady użycia:

- I think you're letting the grass grow under your feet. Do you realise this opportunity wont't wait?
- Don't let the grass grow under your feet. Act when you are still young and don't have many responsibilities.

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Idiom na dziś:

have sb on the ropes

Przykłady użycia:

- With the evidence against him, the prosecution had him on the ropes.
- Her team had the opponents on the ropes in the final minutes of the game.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

bounce something off someone

Przykłady użycia:

- Can I bounce a business idea off you and see what you think?
- Before finalizing the plan, I want to bounce it off the team.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

blow my hair back

Przykłady użycia:

- The excitement of jumping out of an airplane really blew my hair back.
- That new action movie truly blew my hair back with all the explosions and stunts.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

the proof is in the pudding

Przykłady użycia:

- It's a new software, but the proof is in the pudding, so we'll see how well it performs.
- They claim it's a fantastic product, but the proof will be in the pudding.

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@Odcien_Trawiastego: plusik, ale to jest upośledzona wersja, bo oryginalne powiedzenie które ma więcej logiki brzmi: the proof of the pudding is in the eating", czyli przekładając na polskie warunki: "dowodem na "ciastko" jest zjedzenie go".
Idiom na dziś:

get the short end of the stick

Przykłady użycia:

- I always seem to get the short end of the stick when dividing up the workload with my coworkers.
- She got the short end of the stick in the divorce settlement.

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Idiom na dziś:

the jig is up

Przykłady użycia:

- After lying to her parents about studying all weekend, the student had to confess when her mother found her at the mall, and she knew the jig was up.
- The thief knew that the jig was up when the store manager caught him stealing.

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