Idiom na dziś:

for my money

Przykłady użycia:

- For my money, your chances are slim to none. But nobody can forbid you to try.
- You can say whatever you want. For my money, the pike is a genuinely royal fish.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Idiom na dziś:

live to see another day

Przykłady użycia:

- Despite the challenges, the company managed to live to see another day.
- He narrowly escaped the accident and lived to see another day.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

sing a different tune

Przykłady użycia:

- They'll be singing a different tune when they see what we have prepared.
- After reading about this topic, I'm singing a different tune now.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

get one's ducks in a row

Przykłady użycia:

- Before meeting with the investors, the CEO made sure to get all his ducks in a row to present an impressive pitch.
- To be prepared for the upcoming performance evaluation, the employee wants to get her ducks in a row and gather all evidence of her achievements.

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Idiom na dziś:

put the fear of God into sb

Przykłady użycia:

- The coach put the fear of God into his players, warning them never to repeat their poor performance.
- After being robbed, my grandfather decided to put the fear of God into his neighbors by installing security cameras.

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Idiom na dziś:

miss the boat

Przykłady użycia:

- Did you miss the Bitcoin boat as well?
- Are you guys talking about that game bundle? I missed that boat too.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

your guess is as good as mine

Przykłady użycia:

- 'When do you think we will be ready with the preparations?' 'Your guess is as good as mine.'
- 'Did I say something wrong? Why is he angry with me?' 'I'm afraid your guess is as good as mine here. He is a difficult person.'

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Idiom na dziś:

on one's own dime

Przykłady użycia:

- I made this far on my own dime. I left home with 10$ in my pocket.
- I started living on my own dime five years ago. That was the best decision ever.

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#angielski #
Idiom na dziś:

go with one's gut

Przykłady użycia:

- When it comes to choosing a career, I always go with my gut feeling and follow my passion.
- I had a bad feeling about buying that used car, but went with my gut anyway and ended up regretting it.

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Idiom na dziś:

heads will roll

Przykłady użycia:

- I'm sure a few heads will roll because of this. The damaged stuff is worth a lot of money!
- After heads had rolled, everything went back to normal. I'm lucky I wasn't fired.

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#angielski #
Idiom na dziś:

have it made in the shade

Przykłady użycia:

- After winning the lottery, she really had it made in the shade.
- With her wealthy parents, she always had it made in the shade.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

put one's foot in sth

Przykłady użycia:

- When he asked her if she was pregnant, not realizing she had just gained weight, he really put his foot in it.
- I tried to make a joke about her cooking, but accidentally insulted her entire family. I really put my foot in it that time.

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Idiom na dziś:

dead in the water

Przykłady użycia:

- This project is dead in the water. The assumptions were wrong from the start.
- 'GameStop is dead in the water. Why would anyone invest in it?' (December, 2020)

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
@Odcien_Trawiastego: Yo, szanuje Twoją pracę, fajnie że wrzucasz te idiomy ale wyrzuć tag #angielski, zostaw tylko #angielskizwykopem i może coś autorskiego. Pisze dlatego, że czasami przeglądam tag szukam informacji o jakichś podcastach do posłuchania a widać tylko Twoje postyl. Troche to zaśmieca tag #angielski.

Btw. możesz polecić jakieś stronki gdzie można englisha posłuchać. Kiedyś trafiłem na tagu na odnosnik do takiej stronki gdzie po angielsku bardzo wyraźnie były opowiadane
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Idiom na dziś:

go belly up

Przykłady użycia:

- I was sure the company would go belly up. This plan just couldn't succeed.
- We went belly up only because we were lazy. You are not taking things seriously if you train once a week.

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Idiom na dziś:

keeps sb on their toes

Przykłady użycia:

- The competitive work environment keeps me on my toes.
- Being a detective keeps me on my toes, as I always have to be alert.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

have a head for something

Przykłady użycia:

- Man, I always had a head for business!
- We need to find somebody with a head for marketing. Let's admit it: we can't sell anything!

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

sooner rather than later

Przykłady użycia:

- I need to get my car fixed sooner rather than later.
- It's important to deal with medical issues sooner rather than later.

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#angielski #angielskizwykopem

Do obserwowania/czarnolistowania:
Idiom na dziś:

to throw sb a curve

Przykłady użycia:

- When I asked my boss for a raise, he threw me a curve and offered me a bonus instead.
- The teacher threw the students a curve by giving them a pop quiz on a Friday afternoon.

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@Odcien_Trawiastego: byłoby o wiele łatwiej zapamiętać idiom gdybyś dodawał do niego genezę powstania.
Idiomy nie mają sensu dopóki nie zrozumie się skąd pochodzą a każdy z nich jest zakotwiczony gdzies w przeszłości.
Zrozumienie jego istnienia sprawiłoby, że nie trzebaby się ich uczyć na pamięć i naturalnie dawało kontekst znaczeniowy.
Część angielskich idiomów jest spójna z polskimi i wtedy są łatwo rozumiane ale część jest kompletnie odrębną od naszej kultury o niezrozumiała
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Idiom na dziś:

stand to reason

Przykłady użycia:

- It stands to reason that I won't help them after what they did to me.
- As you know the whole story now, I think it stands to reason why I behave this way.

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#angielski #