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PiS stara się o pozyskanie Europejskiej Agencji Leków po Brexicie. I chociaż podobno Polska ma szansę (ocena ofert jeszcze we wrześniu, decyzja w listopadzie), to właśnie kandydatura m.in. Polski napotkała przeszkodę - brak praw osób LGBT.

EMA chief Guido Rasi called on the 19 countries applying to host the agency to be upfront about their policies on gay rights. Rasi said he understands the concerns of the agency’s LGBT staff who wrote to him and other EU leaders about their fear of moving to a place that won’t protect their rights or recognize their marriages when the agency leaves London after Brexit.

Neither Rasi nor the letter mentioned any particular country, but the targets are clear. Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia and Romania don’t recognize any sort of formal same-sex relationship. 

Rasi’s note about staff retention speaks to his more immediate challenge: convincing nearly 900 highly skilled people living in one of the world’s most cosmopolitan, liberal cities to move just about anywhere else. Rank-and-file hostility to moving too far east is clear from internal surveys, anonymous interviews with staff and the response to the LGBT letter. Even though there are at most 70 LGBT staff at the agency, about 250 employees signed the letter of concern, the writers said.

Poland’s permanent representation in Brussels declined to comment


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falszywyprostypasek - PiS stara się o pozyskanie Europejskiej Agencji Leków po Brexic...

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