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Ciekawy wpis zamieścił #brandonsanderson na reddicie pod postem o roszczeniach Andrzeja Sapkowskiego wobec #cdprojektred

Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/9kxeb8/cd_project_red_is_getting_sued_by_the_author_of/e743lm3/

Treść wpisu:

You guys might find this amusing. I read this threat last night at about 3:00, and came REALLY close to posting, "Dear CD Projekt. You can have the Mistborn rights, if you want them..." But this was looking like it would explode as a thread, and I REALLY didn't want to wake up to several hundred replies in my inbox. I have work to do today...

In all seriousness, I'd love to do something with CDPR. They've made by far the best book-to-video game adaptations ever. It's the sort of thing the rest of us salivate over--if for the simple reason that the entire genre (books, film, and games) benefit from something high-quality on the market like the Witcher games.

I would seriously consider giving CD Project Red the rights to my books for free, because the overall cultural impact that a great story adaptation can have is enormous. Though...I suspect they're done dealing with self-important fantasy authors, and are likely more interested in creating their own new IPs.

Generalnie Brandon napisał, że z chęcią odda im prawa do serii Mistborn (ʘʘ)

#mistborn #ostatnieimperium #fantasy #cosmere #cdpr

edit: tak to się robi Panie #sapkowski
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