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Gdyby ktos zaczynal przygode z #jetbrains a dokladnie #intellij #java do jutra wazny voucher na 25% znizki na nowa subskrybcje. Daj znac jesli wykorzystasz.

Hello from JetBrains,

Only few days left before your coupon code for 1-year individual subscription for IntelliJ IDEA is gone! It expires on August 12, 2020. Take this chance to subscribe to IntelliJ IDEA absolutely free

At checkout in our store, click 'Have a discount code' and enter the following code:


If you already own an individual subscription for IntelliJ IDEA, feel free to share this coupon with a friend. Just remember each coupon can only be redeemed once and it is valid only for the purchase of an individual license.

The JetBrains Team
The Drive to Develop