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Nie wiem czy już było....

The default branches in GitHub repositories will no longer be named "master" but "main" starting Oct. 1
to avoid references to slavery. However, those repos that already have "master" set as the default branch will remain as is to avoid potential issues, although GitHub says developers will be able to rename existing default branches by the end of 2020 without problems."

By the end of the year, GitHub will be able to automatically retarget open PRs and draft releases, move branch protection policies, and more when you rename your default branch.
In June 2020, many in tech showed solidarity with the Black community by taking down sites temporarily, changing racially charged terms in code, and more after the murder of George Floyd.
Others that also issued similar moves to GitHub include Git, Golang, Google Chrome, the PHPUnit library, the Curl file download utility, and more.
Many are concerned using such language perpetuates racial stereotypes, and thus needs to be dropped. "Such terminology not only reflects racist culture, but also serves to reinforce, legitimize, and perpetuate it,"

PS. nie mam linka - dostałem info w newsletterze.

#programowanie #programista15k #github #programista
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@dnaprawa: Przy czym to będzie faktem tylko jeśli ktoś tworzy całe repo na GH i potem je klonuje - czego ja nie robię nigdy. Więc ani mnie grzeje ani ziębi ta zmiana. No jest sobie i pewnym osobom dupa pęka.