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Mam taką listę słówek: jak najłatwiej dodać ją do #memrise z tłumaczeniem i wymową. Skąd najlepiej brać tłumaczenia?
#naukajezykow #angielski

1. bashing
2. diffuse
3. intently
4. related
5. incidently
6. pull
7. upwords
8. towards
9. involving
10. takes off
11. related
12. fuzzy
13. paved
14. towards
15. interrupted
16. broadly
17. tightly
18. finest
19. initial
20. extraordinary
21. perhaps
22. along
23. insights
24. leading
25. dozens
26. especially
27. reframe
28. particular
29. struggling
30. soaring
31. strides
32. undertaking
33. incredybly
34. fool
35. embed
36. outline
37. come up
38. vaguely
39. anling
40. clatter
41. gather up
42. acording
43. bearings
44. noodle
45. gradually
46. grapples
47. prize
48. acquire
49. granted
50. beyond
51. consciously
52. fraction
53. sort out
54. adjusted
55. remains
56. turnover
57. branch
58. spiny
59. indicated
60. tapestry
61. brainfacts.org
62. issues
63. arises
64. associeted
65. cue
66. temporary
67. interputions
68. reward
69. mindessly
70. beliligrant
71. downright
72. enlisted
73. scheme
74. pursue
75. roughly
76. zest
77. enhance
78. concrete
79. concisely
80. firm
81. intently
82. awhile
83. mortar
84. cramming
85. jumle
86. equationsobviously
87. related
88. major
89. immediatly
90. center out
91. tend
92. although
93. dissipating
94. inefficient
95. warehouse
96. distributed
97. bury
98. encounter
99. handle
100. retain
101. space out
102. extanding
103. awake
104. get rid
105. shrink
106. associated
107. erases
108. reharasedeepen
109. remarkable
110. deactivation
111. substantilly
112. pionerring
113. investigator
114. beyond
115. perhaps
116. thick
117. transition
118. involved
119. waylay
120. interruption
121. engagment
122. disengaged
123. passing by
124. evaporated
125. urge
126. juggle
127. hubbub
128. swing
129. accomplished
130. left off
131. enormusly
132. appiled
133. enriched
134. monk
135. enriched
136. #!$%@?
137. avid
138. pity
139. asses
140. recess
141. acquired
142. enhancing
143. hung up
144. pop
145. onslaught
146. fortunate
147. persistance
148. pointed out
149. recently
150. skull
151. ordinary
152. encourage
153. retain
154. lose out
155. regardingdistractions
156. intently
157. arouse
158. enriched
  • 8
@x__d: blad w 16, powinno byc lech poznan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) a tak serio:
1. Wklej do Excela.
2. W trzy sekundy pozbadz sie numerkow z kolumny A (uzywajac tajnej wiedzy z Excela).
3. Przetlumacz sobie slowka ze slownikiem (bab.la na przyklad). Wpisuj je do kolumny B w Excelu.
4. Skopiuj obie kolumny do memrise (create course -> advance -> bulk add words).
5. Profit.
@x__d: jesli masz identycznie tlumaczenie (i slowko) z takim, ktore juz maja w systemie, zrobi sie to automatycznie. w praktyce, pewnie jakies 10% uda sie ogarnac w ten sposob.
mozesz sprobowac sciagnac nagrania ze slownika i dodac je samemu do memrise, ale to sporo pracy.... no i w zasadzie piractwo.