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Prywatne szkolnictwo szansą dla Afryki. Rozwija się w Liberii, wcześniej okazało się sukcesem w Kenii. Na przekór kłamliwym socjaldemokratom, którzy twierdzą, że bez publicznego obowiązkowego nauczania ludność zamieniałaby się w analfabetów.

Outside of Liberia, the private school program has been a success for students in Kenya. The literacy rates for students in these schools has increased by 37% and arithmetic by 24%. The national average for students passing their year-end exams in the public school system is 44%, but after four years with private schools this jumped to 74%, and in many towns it was as high as 100%.

Liberia’s education minister George Werner is looking to terminate the employment of public sector teachers and turn the responsibility of education over to private organizations like BIA.

“Governments are incompetent at educating poor kids.Unless we partner conscientiously with the private sector, the public sector will increasingly get stressed at accomplishing what it was elected to do,” he said in an interview with Al Jazeera.

Charging an average of $6 per month per student, Bridge International Academies is one of the most cost-effective ways of delivering education. They also have investment partners in Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.

6 dolarów miesięcznie!

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WYKOP --------------- http://www.wykop.pl/link/3697871/prywatne-szkolnictwo-szansa-dla-afryki/

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Kapitalis - Prywatne szkolnictwo szansą dla Afryki. Rozwija się w Liberii, wcześniej ...

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