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Patch version


King of Beggars - now has "regressing".
Yennefer - the unicorn and the chrionex are now golden units.
Immune Boost - changed to add armor before boosting units, tooltip now has "special".
Overdose - changed to remove armor before damaging units, tooltip now has "special".
Merigold's Hailstorm - (localization tooltip now correct states it ignores armor.)
Cyprian Wiley - (fixed localization tooltip to correctly states weaken instead of damage.)
Avallac'h - (...)
Regis - (localization tooltip fixes.)
Drought - damage lowered from 3 to 2.
Ragh Nar Roog - damage lowered from 3 to 2.
Biting Frost - now only damage the highest unit(s) and the lowest unit(s) on the row.


Hero: Unseen Elder - base strength upped from 4 to 5.
Succubus - now loyal/disloyal, changed from disloyal.
Nekker - base strength upped from 2 to 3.
Nithral - (fixed tooltip to correctly state 2 armor instead of 3.)
Woodland Spirit - base strength upped from 5 to 7.
Water Hag - base strength upped from 3 to 4.
Griffin - base strength upped from 6 to 8, brave ability removed.
Kayran - base strength downed from 10 to 8.
Vran Warrior - base strength upped from 4 to 5.
Arachas Behemoth - base strength upped from 5 to 6.
Shadow - base strength upped from 6 to 7.
Katakan - base strength upped from 4 to 5.
Fiend - base strength upped from 5 to 7.
Fightener - (BUG: now cause the game to hang.)


Hero: John Calveit - base strength downed from 4 to 3.
Hero: Emhyr Var Emreis - base strength upped from 3 to 4.
Vanhemar - base strength upped from 3 to 4.
Letho of Gulet - base strength upped from 5 to 7.
The Guardian - (lesser guardians changed to lesser guardian golems. Localization name change perhaps?)
Imperial Golem - base strength downed from 3 to 2.
Peter Saar Gwynleve - base strength downed from 6 to 4.
Emissary - (fixed localization tooltip that incorrectly stated ambassador excluded rather than emissary)
Vicovaro Novice - base strength downed from 3 to 1.
Fringilla Vigo - base strength while spying downed from 2 to 1. (fixed localization tooltip that incorrectly stated the unit on the left will be affected, rather than the unit on the right)
Tibor Eggebracht - base strength downed from 10 to 8.
Rainfarn - base strength upped from 6 to 7.
Vicovaro Medic - now has "doomed".

Northern Realms

Hero: Foltest - base strength upped from 4 to 5, excluding spies.
Reinforced Ballista - base strength upped from 4 to 6.
Reinforced Siege Tower - base strength upped from 5 to 6.
Shanni - (fixed tooltip that incorrectly stated add 4 armor, while in fact only adds 3.)
Trollololo - (fixed tooltip that incorrectly stated add 4 armor, while in fact add 5.)
Vernon Roche - (localization fixes.)
Dethmold - base strength upped from 3 to 4.
Reaver Hunter - (damage ignores armor. Not sure what it means, I thought it already does that?)
Redanian Knight - base strength upped from 5 to 6.
Kaedweni Sergeant - now has "crewman 1".
John Natalis - base strength changed from 10 to 8, effort effect removed.
Philippa Eilhart - (can't damage the same unit twice in a row. Again she already does that?)
Blue Stripes Commando - (localization fixes.)
Ves - base strength upped from 6 to 7.
Bloody Baron - base strength upped from 4 to 6.
Dijkstra - base strength downed from 4 to 3.
Blue Stripes Scout - now has "crewman 1".
Priscilla - countdown ability changed from "move to the bottom of your deck" to "shuffle into your deck".


Hero: Francesca - base strength upped from 4 to 5.
Ithlinne - base strength upped from 2 to 4.
Dol Blathanna Protector - base strength downed from 4 to 2, boost ability no longer triggered by golden spells.
Dwarven Mercenary - can now move any unit (not just ally), boost ability only affects allies.
Vrihedd Brigade - fixed the tooltip to correctly states "pull an ally unit to the same row, then clear weather from this row".
Vrihedd Officer - base strength upped from 5 to 6.
Vrihedd Sappers - base strength upped from 6 to 7.
Ele'yas - base strength upped from 8 to 9.
Saesenthessis - base strength upped from 6 to 7.
Vrihedd Dragoon - now only boosts loyal units.
Mahakam Guard - now boosts dwarven units by 4, downed from 5, non-dwarven units still boost by 3.
Commando Neophyte - no longer has armor.
Hawker Support - no long an elf.


Cerys - fixed the tooltip to correctly state her ability only triggers when she's in the graveyard.
Donar an Hindar - base strength upped from 5 to 6, now has "veteran: strengthen self by 1".
Clan an Craite Warrior - base strength upped from 8 to 9.
Savage Bear - base strength upped from 4 to 5, ability now triggers AFTER enemy deploy effect.
Clan Tordarroch Armorsmith - (...)
Berserker Marauder - base strength upped from 5 to 6.
Clan Tordarroch Shieldsmith - now only strengthens an ally unit.
Gremist - base strength upped from 3 to 4.
Coral - (ability ignores armor. but she already does that?)
Jutta an Dimun - base strength upped from 11 to 12.
Clan an Craite Warcrier - effort effect now only weaken self by 1.
Clan Brokvar Hunter - no longer has veteran ability.


Fixed the bug that consumes your meteorite powder.

  • 21
Savage Bear - base strength upped from 4 to 5, ability now triggers AFTER enemy deploy effect.

@Dalthair: xD
Jak oni tych Queensguardów tak nienawidzą to czemu nie zrobią ich reworka? Ogólnie zmiany takie 5/10 w stylu "trochę strach zmieniać teraz karty to pokombinujmy z ich siłą". Niezbyt fajnie.
Also cited iyingdi.com, all changed cards will have full disenchant value for two weeks! OMG why I keep milling cards!

btw. to i tak tylko z serverow ptr, wiec aktualka moze wejsc zupelnie inna :p
@Detal: Na przykład? Masz na mysli rankedy? Bo innego sposobu nie widze :) Problem w tym ze jestem na takim poziomie ze kazdy przeciwnik z ktorym gram ma juz zrobiony caly deck i gry sa dla mnie po prostu nudne wiec wbicie tych 18 rund dla 175 golda jakos mnie nie robi. Liczylem ze beda arenki na w hsie, ale niestety nic z tego.
Wiec albo zrobie "rozdajo" albo po prostu
@janusz-cebula: Widzę nick zobowiązuje. 3 wygrane gry dla 100 golda, jeszcze co 2 rundy masz 15 golda, skrawki lub kartę. Beczki za rankedy, za lvl, na zakończenie sezonu. Opcji jest wiele. Od graczy hs słyszałem, że trzeba wydać troche hajsu by cokolwiek osiągnąć. A ja w gwincie nie wydałem ani grosza i sobie radze.
@Detal: haha, "nick zobowiązuje", to żeś wymyślił. Jasne, będę kupował 60 beczek za 240zł żeby zdobyć 1-2 legendy i 250 powtórek :) Naprawdę, nie wiem gdzie tu cebulactwo.
W tej chwili jedyny sposob to rankedy a one sa najzwyczajniej w swiecie nudne. Gralem w hsa i tam zeby zrobic karty grales arenki i tak zdobywales pakiety i poznawales gre.
Sezon trwa 2 miesiace, wiec to jest jedna legenda na 8 miesiecy.