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Pudełko z fiolkami (igły hypodermiczne) zawierającymi narkotyki (kokaina, morfina i inne w opisie będzie) wyprodukowała je firma Parke, Davis and Co., USA, 1885-1910. Zestaw pierwotnie należał do Sir Fredericka Trevesa lekarza, który leczył Josepha Merricka znanego historii pod pseudonimem "Człowiek Słoń"

"Hypodermic syringe, glass and nickel plated brass, in aluminium case with velvet purse, containing 6 glass phials of hypodermic tablets. 84 mm x 43 mm x 20 mm, .08kg. Phials: 76 mm x 5 mm diameter each. Phials of strychnine nitrate, atropine sulphate, cocaine hydrochloride, apomorphine hydrochloride, morphine and atropine sulphate and morphine sulphate hypodermic tablets. Made by Parke, Davis and Co., USA, 1885-1910, once the property of F. Treves, FRCS.

The hypodermic syringe set once belonged to Sir Frederick Treves (1853-1923), a surgeon who specialised in abdominal surgery and who supported a then-new operation to treat appendicitis, which is still used today. Treves is perhaps best known as the physician who treated Joseph Merrick (1862-90), the so-called ‘Elephant Man’.

Hypodermic syringes were and are used to deliver medical treatments under the skin. The aluminium case contains two needles and a range of anaesthetics in tablet form that would be crushed and diluted before being injected. The syringe and drugs were made by Parke, Davis and Co."


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Pobierz myrmekochoria - Pudełko z fiolkami (igły hypodermiczne) zawierającymi narkotyki (koka...
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